Hide ChartPane 0
Author: dansmo
Creation Date: 7/17/2007 5:55 AM
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Wealth-Lab Developer 3.0 Build 21B

Is it possible to hide the Main ChartPane?
Like in HideVolume?
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Not like HideVolume, but you can size your custom Pane extra large to essentially leave the main pane with no space -

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Not good Cone - it locks out all other possible panes. How about:
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I beg to differ. How would you go about using your min/max pane with those values?

If you only want one completely-blank pane that hides the Price pane, then the CreatePane method is the way to go.
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Who said only one completely blank pane? The point was to hide pane 0. Obviously if you're hiding pane 0, you're not using pane 0 and SetPaneMinMax(0...) does not interfere with any other defined panes.
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It is fundtimer´s solution that suits best, because I´d like to use more than one pane.

There is only one little problem with it:
the text on the chart showing symbol& last date is still plotted and is now over the x-scale. How can I delete it?
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x-scale? Are you sure?

Note also that SetPaneMinMax(0 ... ) does not interfer with the Volume Pane. You're still free to use HideVolume if necessary.
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I used HideVolume, too.
The Label "Symbol text" etc. is now printed over the dates on the lowest part of the chart.
Do you know what I mean?
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Try something like the following example:
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Good morning. In WLP, one can hide a pane by clicking on a "-" sign and then open by it by pressing the "+" sign. Would it be possible to hide a pane programatically from within a strategy? In other words, when I plot a series in a NEW pane, I would like the new pane to be initially hidden. Then the user can click on it to open it if need be. The issue I have is that I have too many panes and they look too small, competing for the same real estate.

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I'm afraid it's not possible to specify a ChartPane's state (i.e. minimized/restored) via code. It's a job of WL6 to control the -/+ handle.

Using Straps like the example below demonstrates, you can have some degree of interactivity though:
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You're asking a Version 6 question in a Wealth-Lab 4 forum here, but no, that control does not exist. You can display the pane and if user wants to hide it, they can click the "minimize" icon.

... but what you could do is add Strategy Parameters to control the creation of panes and subsequently their use.
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Eugene wins again!
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Great, thanks, you have a great idea about using the Straps. Perhaps this functionality can be added to a later release of WLP :-)

-Best, J
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I don't want you get your hopes up on this one. Generally, "custom" functionality that you can do in code isn't even considered. I emphasize "custom" here.
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So if the current question is related to hiding but is not about hiding, let's move your question to where it's appropriate and to the "mother of all RTF exports" thread:

Saving chart bitmap in WL6
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