Holiday exclusion
Author: Gamba
Creation Date: 12/13/2012 2:24 PM
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I've searched for a script in Forum and Wiki to avoid trading on holidays?
But there are only several old scripts to do it. Did I miss something or is there a Code-Snippet
in Community-Compoments to exclude trading on holidays back to 10 or 20 years?

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First let's define what is a holiday. For example, U.S. markets are closed on Independence day. See what I mean?
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For example, for my intraday strategie, I will not trade on the following days, because of early market closing
or holidays (e.g. Thanksgiving) where people are on vacation or something else:

// -----
// 2012
// -----
_20120101, // New Year's Day
_20120116, // Martin Luther King Jr. Day (3rd Monday of January)
_20120220, // Presidents' Day (3rd Monday of February)
_20120406, // Good Friday (Easter-Friday)
_20120528, // Memorial Day (Last Monday of May)
_20120704, // Independence Day
_20120903, // Labor Day (1st Monday of September)
_20121008, // Columbus Day (2nd Monday of October)
_20121111, // Veterans Day
_20121122, // Thanksgiving (4th Thursday of November)
_20121123, // Day after Thanksgiving (4th Friday of November)
_20121224, // Christmas Day

At the moment I manage the holidays by myself in a script (not for WL, but for another software).
In case of WL I want to know if there something generic in the Community.Components or somewhere else.

How does others handle this topic?

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I see. Simply use the Market Manager as explained in the KB article.
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Even without the Market Manager...

Please log in to see this code.
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Thank you Cone, that works for me. Did not find the routines by myself before.

@Eugene: MarketManeger does not support Yahoo and for Google my WL-Instance crashes every
time I activate the MarketManager. But solution in code is a better approach for me.
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That's incorrect: the Market Manager have always supported Google.

As to the crash, please feel free to create a support ticket with the complete error message and a screenshot.
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Hm, I don't agree with you, but maybe I'm wrong. First, it crashes with Google, without error,
but that is not important at the moment.

I cannot see Yahoo as data provider in MarketManager, so I cannot active it.
So the number of trades are equal in every case and I guessed it doesn't work with Yahoo:

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Sorry for the confusion, Yahoo! is not supported by the Market Manager since it's an EOD-only data provider (makes no big sense).

Google should not crash after applying the latest update using the Extension Manager. It's recommended to upgrade the provider to version 2012.12.
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