Could you tell me how can I attach image to my topic ? I saw that there is link ; image and image link buttons but how can I attach image from my PC ?
To attach an image, click "Add Attachments" and select a supported file under 2-3 MB in size. For this to work, disable your ad blocker plugin and make sure Javascript is enabled. Some browser addins are known to break this.
Re: "Dmitriy Ivanov" in your profile
Dennis Igoshev,
As misrepresenting your identity is prohibited by our website's
terms of use, kindly do not use bogus names here. Thanks for your understanding.
I have tried everything above and still doesn’t work.
How can attach image in my topic?
The file extension must be PNG or GIF for images (JPG are not welcome), the size below 2-3 MB. Click "Add attachments" and choose your file. If you do everything right, attaching an image is effortless. See how I do it, taking a screenshot of your trading system in action (that I've coded minutes ago):
Lower Low of last 2 bars followed by a higher Close 
(After making a post with attachment, I edit it and put the attached file link in between a pair of IMG tags).
If still no go, retry from a different browser. If nothing works, describe your issue in greater detail. Currently there's nothing to work with.

Thank you, now thats ok!