How can I convert Dataseries to Double?
Author: hmg2020
Creation Date: 8/17/2009 3:47 PM
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I am trying to use the common shares outstanding for current quarter and use that value as double in another calculation.
DataSeries FLOATs = FundamentalDataSeries("common shares outstanding",0);

How can I convert this Dataseries to Double?
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A DataSeries is a series of double values. See the WealthScript Programming Guide: DataSeries > Accessing a Single Value from a DataSeries
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Thank you for leading me in the right direction.

By the way, is there a drawing tool in wealth-lab-pro that can give me the total volume in a rectangle as I draw it?
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No such tool in Wealth-Lab.

However, you can mimick one following a creative idea by Robert expressed HERE:

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