How to always close position at the close?
Author: karasaj
Creation Date: 7/19/2009 11:06 PM
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I'm trying to program a strategy in which I always close out my position "at the close" if there is a position open at the end of the standard trading session. For instance, every time I long a stock, I then tried putting an "OR" between "sell trailing stop loss at 3%" and "at the close" so that it executes whichever comes first & cancels the other, but it won't work. Does anyone know how I can fix this? Thank you!
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Are you manually programming or using the Strategy Builder?

If manually, by design the first signal in the code flow executes [first]. Even if not realist, programmers can order the signal however they want.

The Strategy Builder, however, orders multiple exit signals correctly - Close (at bar), then Market, Stop, and Limit (at bar + 1) in that order.
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