How to automatically place an order?
Author: abegy
Creation Date: 11/13/2013 1:27 PM
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I have a basic question.

I'm using Morningstar extension to "trade" on a paper account.

On the Strategy Monitor, I selected "Automatically stage orders..." for a strategy selected.
On the Order Tool, I selected for "auto Trading" the parameter "Paper Account"
When I run the strategy in the Strategy Monitor, Alerts generated are putting in the Order Tool automatically but only with the status "Staged".

Is there a way to push alerts to be automatically placed instead of "Staged" status ?
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It depends on the state of "Auto-Trading" in the Orders tool. It's currently set to "Off" and consequently, alerts have to be placed manually. Changing it to "Paper Accounts" would enable auto order placement. For more details please refer to the User Guide, Orders > Stage, Place, Autp. (btw: a typo. Should read: "Auto").
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To be sure, I open the Order tool firstly and put the "Auto-Trading" to "Paper account" before to open the Strategy monitor.
Unfortunately, I confirm you that orders are still "Staged". Do you have any idea why ?

I have the same problem if I put alerts in the Quote windows and select "Auto-Stage" option.
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Highlight the strategy in the SM to check if the Auto-Stage button is pressed.

Make sure the Account is set to the correct PaperAccountX so you're not viewing "Live" orders when AT is enabled for Paper accounts.

Is "Disable Portfolio Synch" checked in Preferences > Trading Options?
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After investigation, I found the problem. Because I renamed the paper account name (directly in the XML file), WLD disabled the "Auto-place" option. Is it possible for a future version to allow user to rename paper account name ?
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It's unlikely given the amount of open issues (btw, only a couple of them will get addressed in 6.6). If there's enough interest from our community members in adding this feature, it may be added to a feature request list. But one or two votes is not enough even for this.
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