How to get test results from all tested parameters in WFO?
Author: kribel
Creation Date: 11/3/2014 1:53 AM
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When using the normal Optimizer in WL, we get test results from all tested parameters in the Results tab.

Is there a way to get this kind of list for In-Sample-Optimization when using WFO?

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Hint: before starting a new thread, please search the forum. You'd find this "one stop shop" for WFO-related questions:

Thank you for the WFO Optimizer

In particular, your question resembles the one in post #22 and is definitely answered by Cone's post #23.
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Not directly. You´d can double click the range of results you are interested in to open a Strategy Window with the corresponding dates and then run a full optimization for the results.

If and when you see a difference in the optimal result between that test and the WFO, see User Guide: Strategy Window > Optimization > Walk-Forward Optimization > WFO FAQs
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