I am finding that Fidelity ATP and Wealth Lab 6.9 arrive at different results for 200 day EMA.
The daily Close values tht are inputs to this calculation are the same.
I am able to calculate 200 day EMA and match the Fidelity results.
Using the information in your Wiki.
So one part of this post is an FYI.
Another part is this:
- I can add code to retrieve the correct 200 day EMA values into the strategy
- But I am encountering an issue
- I have an app that calculates the 200 day EMA and stores it into a .CSV file
- I am having an issue pulling .CSV into a data table in the WL strategy
The WL compiler does not recognize System.Data or System.Data.SqlClient
Is this because the WL IDE only allows certain components for the strategy coder as WL is using the others in the Data Manager?
There are other ways of doing the same task but using data tables is the most straightforward way.
Your comments are appreciated.
Assuming you added the using clause to the strategy code, there is a dialog to reference external assemblies such as System.Data in the WL6 Editor. The location for DLLs is: c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\