Hi. I have a list of stocks. more then 8000. How can I make a stock selection in WealthLab for every day trading.
Hi and welcome to the forums.
For starters, could you clarify what is meant by "a stock selection"? Don't hesitate to be verbose. ;)
I want to see strategy performance on every symbol in data set. but I don't want make it`s self for every symbol. I want to get table with performance for every symbol automatically like with optimization. if by optimization parameter is number, by stock selection parameter is symbol.
Well, in this case I can only suggest using the Optimizer:
1. Fix the parameters (if your system has them) to just a single combination so that all values would be equal and the step becomes -1
2. Select a Raw Profit mode (there are only two items to choose from the upper half of the pos. sizing menu).
Voila. Note that this won't work with Portfolio Simulation position sizing modes.
Hallo. Wealth-Lab don`t work with datasets when dataset contain more then 20-50 series. Wealth-lab will terminate with error. I will make selection in dataset with 500 dataseries.
What is a "series"? Symbols in DataSet or named DataSeries in an ASCII file?
What "error" message, exactly?
"Terminate" like "crash" or raise an exception?
Which data provider, bar scale, data loading range?
What exactly are you doing to cause that (which tool, what strategy code is used and so on)?
Be precise and describe the situation in detail. Like said previously, it never hurts when you are verbose on our forum.