I can't create a subset of a Metastock database
Author: mvfaraujo
Creation Date: 8/14/2013 6:37 PM
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Hello all.
I'm just begining to use WealthLab and I started by BBFree data, which is good, but has data only since 2007. With that it's simple to create a new Dataset containing only the stock symbols I want.

I'm struggling to do the same with a Metastock Dataset, which has 341 stock symbols and data since 1994. I don't have access to the source of this Dataset and I didn't find any obvious/free/simple choice to manage it.

Please help.
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Hi Marcos,

Creating a subset of Metastock/ASCII data, as well as combining symbols from DataSets belonging to different data providers, is readily possible by using this extension:

Watchlist Static Data Provider
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