Indicator list not displaying
Author: lepetittrader
Creation Date: 11/29/2010 12:00 PM
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I have an active strategy on a paper money account. I got an alert to buy a position for NGD. I double click the NGD symbol in the order stage and a Chart opens. I right click and select Plot and Indicator on the Chart and nothing happens - the screen seems to flicker for 1/2 a second but no dialog is displayed. Same thing with fundamental indicators. Other dialogs seem to open well. I thought it had something to do with me using two monitors (screens) and may be the dialog was being displayed somewhere else but no - nothing there.

Any tips?
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Second question: Is there a way to zoom into a chart? Like a magnifying glass tool or something? I could change the data range or scale but I was wondering if there is a plain simple zoom in/out tool for viewing larger candles.
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Hint: using search and the Wiki before posting is a real time saver.
Same thing with fundamental indicators.

Wealth-Lab or one of its windows is not displayed
Second question: Is there a way to zoom into a chart?

Not to zoom but there are options to increase/decrease bar spacing on the Function toolbar.
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Thank you!
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