Indicator scale truncates important part of value
Author: sourkraut
Creation Date: 5/6/2011 2:55 PM
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I have my Preferences set to display 4 decimals for indicators.
Then I got an indicator in the four hundred thousand range.

"400,000.0000" displays as "400.0000"

After changing the preferences to use only 2 decimals in indicator scales,

"400,000.0000" displays as "400.00K"

It seems that WL truncates everything after 8 characters, including the "K" modifier. Since this changes the displayed value by a factor of 1000, I would expect the scale window to expand if necessary. Failing that, some other way to display the correct value.


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You need to use a smaller font for the y-axis labels. Unfortunately, extra space in the y-axis has been an overlooked request for Wealth-Lab for as long as I can remember.
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That worked, thanks.

Though I started with the smallest font size (8 pt), switching to Arial squeezed it just enough. Though now I need a magnifier to reead the digits.

But add my vote for requesting an auto-adjusting window width for the y scale.
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