Inputting script settings
Author: traderray
Creation Date: 4/9/2010 3:28 PM
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I am developing a script that uses sliding parameters to set up binary conditions of either 0 or 1, true or false, that I check inside my script. This was working great. I encountered what appears to be a limit of 6 sliding parameters. Is this a limit?

If so, I could use radio buttons to set up the conditions and have more than 6. Does anyone have a simple example of using buttons to enter data into the script?
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No, there is no such limitation as 6 parameters. btw, do you see the scroll bar there? How does the code that deals with the parameters look like?
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I was at a different computer when I saw your response. I tried it on this computer and everything worked ok. I am getting the 7th parameter shown with no problem. I copied this script that is working on this computer to my other computer and I am only getting 6 parameters showing on that computer using the very same script.
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Can you post the strategy fragment that deals with the parameters - their definition and the constructor?
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This code snippet is OK. Do you see the scroll bar there? Can you take a screenshot of "I am only getting 6 parameters showing..."?
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I have determined the source of the problem. If you have your text size thru Control Panel set to "small", all sliders are shown (I have gone up to 8). If you have the text size set at "medium", only 6 sliders are shown. If you have the text set at "large" only 5 are displayed.
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Sure, but in no case should it be a problem. As Eugene suggested, a vertical scrollbar appears when sliders are out of view. Scroll to change those sliders.

Now, it's a problem if you don't get a scrollbar... do you?
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When i set the text to small I get the scroll bar. When I scroll to the bottom of the list I see all of the parameters I am using in the scroll list.

When i set the text to medium I get the scroll bar. When I scroll to the bottom of the list I see only the first 6 of the parameters I am using in the scroll list.

When i set the text to large I get the scroll bar. When I scroll to the bottom of the list I see only the first 5 of the parameters I am using in the scroll list.

I have seen this on two of the computers that I am using. I have a friend that is seeing the same thing on his computer.
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Any difference if you use the mouse wheel in the strategy parameter area?
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Okay thanks for the info, please create a Support Ticket with a reference to this thread. We'll get a bug report entered.
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