Installed WLD, without Fidelity Data Provider?
Author: llhk
Creation Date: 3/6/2013 2:03 AM
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As the topic said, I have purchased and install WLD because of Forexite provider demanded to have 64-bit edition of Wealth-Lab, how come I paid for the software in order to install a 64-bit but without my original data provider?!
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Also I cannot find Metastock as well
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how come I paid for the software in order to install a 64-bit but without my original data provider?!

FAQ > "What's the difference between Wealth-Lab Developer and Wealth-Lab Pro Version 6?"

"Pro" and "Developer" are in effect the same application except that "Pro" is delivered with special integration for Fidelity price and fundamental data as well as for automated trading with Fidelity Investments.

One way or another, this FAQ is online since 2008. Fidelity never existed in Developer 5/6. This is a feature exclusive to WLP.

Also I cannot find Metastock as well

Same FAQ, "Is Wealth-Lab Developer/Pro 6 able to use 4(6,8...) Gb of RAM when running on a 64-bit OS?". The MetaStock provider currently can only work in 32-bit environment. To work around this limitation, install 32-bit edition of Wealth-Lab side by side to work with Metastock/TC2007 data. Note: starting with Wealth-Lab 6.5, Metastock data will be supported in 64-bit edition.
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So what I bought is totally rubbish for me. Could I refund it? and how I can get WLP in 64-bit?
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and how I can get WLP in 64-bit?

From the same place where you got 32-bit WLP. It's pretty strange that Fidelity opened an account (?) to a HK resident though.
Could I refund it?

Sorry but according to our Price and License Information page, Purchases are final, no refunds.
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