Internal function to mimic PlotFundamentalItems()
Author: bgood
Creation Date: 8/18/2009 7:51 PM
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Is there an internal plot function that can take a DataSeries and generate an output like PlotFundamentalItems()?
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Could you elaborate: what does "like PlotFundamentalItems" mean? Is it about plotting a series with PlotSeries with a semi-transparent color (e.g. Color.FromArgb(50,Color.Blue))?
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What I was thinking was there is an likely an internal routine that plots rectangles that are aligned on bars given a data set in a format. The function "PlotFundamentalItems" assumes that the fundamental information is found by using a "string" that specifies how to find the information. I was looking for a routine that simply plots the information after it has been looked up.
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It's possible using PlotSeriesOscillator. Assuming your data goes in a step-by-step fashion, like fundamental items (i.e. a dividend, period, another dividend etc.) If you fill your data series in a similar manner, you should get the same output:

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