Is .NET code different from WL4 code?
Author: JoeAvery
Creation Date: 8/8/2010 5:48 AM
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Is the .Net script language fundamentally different from WL 4? I do not know well C#, will it be difficult to learn it? I used WL 4 at work a few years back and I wrote many scripts in that langyage, it was easy. Now I am starting trading on my own and considering getting WL but I wonder should I get WL 4? Is that still available for non US customers?

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WL4 is a product whose life cycle has ended, so although a free V4 key has been offered as a bonus to new WLD5 customers, it won't last long (probably the offer will cease as soon as the upcoming version of WLD is out.)

Wealth-Lab Wiki FAQ: Will Wealth-Lab Developer 5.x recognize my chartscripts?
Wealth-Lab site FAQ: How can I convert Version 4 ChartScripts to Version 5?

And probably the most useful: I'm a Wealth-Lab 3/4 user, how to learn C# ?

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