MS Office clipboard not populating with performance metrics when copying.
Author: mikesblack
Creation Date: 3/6/2010 1:41 PM
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Not sure why, but when I copy "By Period" results to use in MS Excel I am finding no copy in the clipboard. There are no results for "Trades" either. I have recycled both WL and MS Excel, but this has not changed this issue. Any advice or ideas to fix this would be appreciated. Thanks.
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No issues copying to OpenOffice Calc here. Have you tried "Paste as" to tell if the clipboard is blank or not? Are there any memory-resident utilities working with clipboard?
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Not totally sure if I have any memory resistant utilities working with clipboard. Can you suggest possible applications I would unknowingly have open that meet that description? I did " pate as" with the fields populating; however the clipboard remains empty. If you can think of anything else for me to try that that might restore this would be appreciated. PS Hope you are having a nice weekend.
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Not sure what does "the fields populating" means, when "clipboard remains empty". What about pasting to Notepad to verify or restarting your PC?
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Is it posssible that you're using an older version of Wealth-Lab that didn't have copy implemented for all the tools?
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