I updated my old WLPro version (32-bit) to the latest one 6.9.20 (64-bit) yesterday.
After updating the (available) extensions I discovered:
- It appears Fidelity no longer supports non-Fidelity extensions, none are listed under Extension Manager\Other Extensions
- I used Community Indicators Library and Community Components extensively in my strategies; a quick check of some of them reveals they are now BROKEN - they no longer work and can no longer be compiled
- The Data Tool was a very useful utility that is, alas, no longer available
- PosSizers also N/A
So my questions:
- Is there a fix to all this?
- If I uninstall the 64-bit version and install the 32-bit one will I be able to download non-Fidelity extensions?
Please advise.
I updated my old WLPro version (32-bit) to the latest one 6.9.20 (64-bit)...
It's explained in the Wiki FAQ >
Extension installed in Wealth-Lab doesn't show up after restarting application,
first paragraph. Long story short, different bitness of WLP = different installation directory. So to get your extensions back, please reinstall them from the
Extensions section of our website. On how to install or update Wealth-Lab extensions, check out
this illustrated tutorial and/or the Wealth-Lab User Guide >
Extension Manager.
Mind what desktop shortcut you use to start WLP: the Wealth-Lab Extensions Agent operates in a way that the WLP version you choose at this step will "acquire" the extensions you just installed (prior to restarting WLP). So for example, if you used 64-bit WLP to re-install extensions, closed WLP, and accidentally clicked on 32-bit WLP shortcut, then it will get the extensions - not 64-bit WLP!
It works now, thanks much!
Two more questions:
1) Since my latest version is 64-bit I guess it's installed here:
C:\Program Files\Fidelity Investments\Wealth-Lab Pro 6
My old 32-bit version's folder was this one:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Fidelity Investments\Wealth-Lab Pro 6
This has some DLLs, etc. (and a subfolder \Data)
Is it safe to delete this now?
2) The Holidays are listed only up to 2020 in the file here:
C:\Program Files\Fidelity Investments\Wealth-Lab Pro 6\Data\Markets.xml
2020 will be upon us soon. Are you planning to update this file soon?
Glad to have helped!
Since the followup questions are not related to the original topic I always recommend that they're asked in more suitable threads, new or closely matching (one topic per distinct question). Thanks for helping us keep the forum a live knowledge base which is easy to search.
Please do so for the #2 question (the Holidays), it deserves a new topic as it looks like a potential issue.
As for #1, of course. The old 32-bit folder can safely be deleted.
Will create a new thread for Holidays list.
One last thing (just noticed):
WLPro displays its version to be 64-bit. However, Windows Control Panel\Programs shows it as 6.9.19, guess the developers will have to fix that in a future upgrade.