I am sorry for the stupid question, but I am without an idea and wonder if you have ever seen this in WL. All applications on my PC are working correctly execpt for WL. In the code editor of WL, my "S" key stopped working this morning. I have rebooted my PC thinking .net was damaged but there is not any change. Do you have ever seen a key stop working in WL and what might I try to recover this?
What does it mean precisely, stopped working? While typing, for shortcuts, altogether? Have you pressed some modifier key and left it?
I have done further investigation. This is very odd. The strategy file I was working on will not type a "s" or a "S". I have rebooted my PC, and the behavior is still present. I just did a "^a ^c" in the code window, then "new strategy from code". Lastly a "^a ^v" in the new code window. I saved the result as a new strategy. The new strategy works just fine, and the original strategy still will not type a "s" or a "S". It is like a macro has been attached to the "s" and is mapped to output nothing. How can this be?
A macro can not be attached. Further, WL6 will resist attempts to remap the keyboard mapping scheme.
A malware can live on your PC,
A modifier key can be stuck,
A 3rd party utility may be running in the background.
Try deleting this file:
C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Fidelity Investments\WealthLabPro\\Data\EditorSettings.xml
There is not an EditorSetings.xml file and I am running a virus scan now. Is there an embedded control key that could be in the file that would cause this behavior?
There is this file, without alternatives. But you have to enable hidden file/folder visibility.
So I do not understand why, but I found the line that I wrote in my script that disabled the "S" from that point forward. Compiling my code with the following caused the problem:
Please log in to see this code.
I was trying to name a parameter with to reflect how to use it. If you place this line in a script, you can experience the fun of not being able to type an S in the script :-).
Very interesting observation, thanks. One can duplicate the same effect with just the following:
Please log in to see this code.
In fact, inserting any symbol after the ampersand will make it missing in this Strategy window until the offending piece is removed and Strategy code is recompiled.
At least if you leave a space after the ampersand, it doesn't prevent typing whitespaces. So there's already two good workarounds:
1. Don't use an ampersand for the parameter's string name.
2. If you must, just leave a space after it.
I feel your pain though, it's a shame that things like these create so much wasted time and effort :(
The wasted time and effort are a pitty. Just the time to do a complete virus scan of the system is hours. However, these things happen in the world of computing. I would be interested in knowing why this had the effect that it did. Learning from experiences usually help sometime in the future.