Not all Strategy Parameters are visible when System Text Size is Large
Author: gbullr
Creation Date: 6/19/2015 9:52 AM
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I am using Windows 7 64 bit.
I have the system text size set to fairly large

The problem is that not all strategy parameters are visible in the strategy parameters window. Any solution to this other than the obvious one which is to change the system text size which is set to large so that I don't go blind? Thanks.

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It's better not to use external image hosters, rather attach them directly like I just did. ImageShack in particular is known to delete files after a while.

I believe this is a side effect of a well-known issue: Open Issues > "(146) Application needs to support 120 DPI throughout". As suggested in the Wiki, revert to the standard "Smaller - 100%" text size to fix that. There's no other known solution to this problem.

We have a habit of updating the Wiki as soon as new information is discovered if an issue affects many customers. If there were something we'd let the community know.
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