Number of decimals in alerts
Author: DaveAronow
Creation Date: 12/19/2009 6:59 AM
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Is there a way to get alerts to show more than 2 decimal places? In this case it's for a futures contract which is set to 4 decimals in the symbol manager.
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To me it looks like it was overlooked. Thanks for the heads-up.
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As a workaround I'm writing it to the chart. Should I open a ticket to report it?
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Yes, please.
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Is the back-testing engine using the correct number of decimal places (i.e. as defined in the symbol manager) for its calculations? Is this simply a display error?
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Yes. A display error.
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Is this going to be fixed soon?
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I don't know, but suggest you create a support ticket (which will be closed as pending fix) and checking "notify by email".
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