Open Strategy Monitor window on WL start
Author: schmiebe
Creation Date: 7/26/2013 2:10 PM
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I currently test some EOD strategies with paper trading.

The computer is setup to boot at a certain time. After WL started, the DataManager updates the bars.

Even though I set up the Strategy Monitor to run the strategies at a certain time, they don't get executed.

As soon as I open the Strategy Monitor window, it runs the strategies.
(Color of the characters changes from red to black afterwards).

I assume the Strategy Monitor window needs to be open to run the strategies.

Is there a way to open the Strategy Monitor window on WL start ?
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Like the Data Manager window has to be open to update data, naturally the Strategy Monitor tool has to stay open to run scheduled strategies. If you save the DM and the SM windows into the Default workspace (Workspaces menu > Set as Default Workspace), both will open when WL starts. Another possibility is to simply leave the computer running.
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Now I am a little bit confused. The DM window was not open on WL start,
but the update process started automatically.

The main thing is, I modified the default workspace as you described and it works fine. :-)
Thanks a lot.
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Glad to have helped.
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