Opening Internet Pages
Author: Assenzio
Creation Date: 4/20/2011 9:28 AM
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is there some code example to start with (if possibile) on how to import data coming from a web page ?
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Check out the Wiki > Knowledge Base section for an article series.
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Mmm ... but the examples works on CSV files. Is there a way to work directly on web pages such as the web macros in Excel (but without using Excel) ?

Another question ... I have a series downloaded directly from BLG platform, let's say in ASCII format, with historical since, i.e., 1980. From the web I am able to download just three years. Is there a way to just update the bloomberg web-ticker that has been previously filled with the historical data being grabbed from the BLG platform ? Or ... I have to use a workaround: downloading updates from the web site and update another ASCII files that contain much historical prices with a new script ?
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Not CSV, XML too. Of course there is a way to extract data from a web page. Search the C# sites out there, there are lots of examples. Every time it's an individual code-based solution that has to be tailored to a particular web page so there is no general recipe.

Re: Bloomberg, no idea what you're talking about?
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