Optimization Graph Suggestions
Author: JDardon
Creation Date: 5/25/2012 1:05 PM
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Regarding the Optimization 2 parameter graphs I have a few requests:

1) Make the background planes for the XZ and YZ scale planes transparent? When one rotates the graph on it's Z axis the fact that the planes are opaque restricts you to view the graph only in a 90 degree angle range, which renders useless the other 270 degrees of points of view. In simple graphs it's not a problem, but sometimes the optimzation curves are weird and complex and being able to view them from all angles would help.
2) Enable color parameters setting a 2 color range for each dimension? Helps in the visualization specially with the restricted angles available.
Less important
3) Zooming in and out in the chart. Most 3d visualization controls have this feature
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Good suggestions, thanks. I've added them to the wish list.
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Re: #3 -- if for any reason zooming is not supported by Steema TeeChart, maybe it makes sense to switch to the MS Chart control (built in .NET 4.0 framework) when the time comes.
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