Optimized Parameter Values not being Saved
Author: sdbens20
Creation Date: 6/14/2012 4:16 PM
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Preferred parameter values from optimizations are not being saved. I'm performing the following steps:

1.) Run an optimization.
2.) Select the row of parameter values I want saved and assigned to that strategy for that symbol.
3.) Right click on the row and click on "Assign Preferred Values to the selected Symbol from this Row."
4.) Use CTRL-S to save the selection.

When I go to the chart, the strategy's trade signals are shown according the values I tried to assign. When I then click on the red PV button, the trade signals shift to some other value set.

Below is the code for one of the strategies I'm having this problem with. This problem exists on multiple strategies and multiple symbols for both daily and one minute data. I've only recently started having this trouble. I've used WLP on this same computer for a year and a half without this trouble.

I would appreciate your help resolving this.



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Another related problem. When I close and reopen the above strategy, the parameter list in the Optimization window's is blank. Code is still shown in the Editor window.
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All parameter description MUST be unique. Giving them identical descriptions is the root of many problems.

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