Order by "OrderType" alert
Author: abegy
Creation Date: 4/18/2012 12:29 AM
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I have a strategy with several "SellAtLimit" and if the "SellAtLimit" is not executed, I add a condition to close it with several "SellAtClose".
By default, Wealth-Lab orders instructions by priority of the creation of the Alert.
For this reason, when I use the "FOR" instructions, I see first a "SellAtLimit" following by a "SellAtClose" and after that a new "SellAtLimit"...

How can I order by "OrderType" to be able to see all my "SellAtLimit" in first position ?

Thanks for your help
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Actually, the order should be the other way round: if not closed by SellAtClose, you add a condition to close it with SellAtLimit. For details, see the WealthScript Programming Guide (Help menu), Programming Trading Strategies > Peeking > Order of Trading Signals.
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