Pane Label Font Size
Author: Ben_Zurich
Creation Date: 2/21/2014 3:55 AM
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The Font size of the Pane Labels is very small, especially for presentation purposes.

Is there a way to make it bigger, programmatically?
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No. Probably you could change the font size in Windows, but doing it will introduce even more issues:

Changing font sizes of the menu
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This means I have to suppress the labels, which in itself is a hassle, see

and then work with DrawText(..., Font font, ...)

By the way, the labels of the time and price axis are as small, virtually unreadable when chart is used in a website.

Don't you regard this as a drawback for this product? Or is WL simply not intended to be used for presentation purposes?

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By the way, the labels of the time and price axis are as small, virtually unreadable when chart is used in a website.

You can adjust them in the Preferences dialog (strike F12) > Chart Color and Styles > Chart Fonts > Axis & Margins.
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Thank you!

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Bad luck: Chart Fonts 'Axis & Margins' changes the labels of all subpanes at the same time. This is not what I want.

To have big labels on subpanes means big numbers on the price axis, which is not good for prices with four digits and beyond as some digits are hidden. You should be able to chose a narrow font for the prices which allows you to select a bigger size for readability, but you seldom want to have panel labels with a narrow font.

When I suppress the labels (a workaround here, too, to do this) and make another workaround with DrawText(..., Font font,...) to place the labels correctly, this has some pitfalls, as the x and y are not relative to the pane but to the whole picture. So I need to determine exactly where the panes are to be drawn by WL, which is not a simple task.

But worse, when I write text to the subpane by means of DrawText(), the bitmap I get by GetChartBitmap() does NOT contain the text drawn by DrawText(), (nor does it show any drawn circles and the like, nor does it show the buy/sell orders in the price pane, by the way). So my resulting .jpg is incomplete. Is there any solution for that one?

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This technique of creating an RTF document should serve as a workaround:

Copy to Clipboard > "Advanced example"
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