I have a multi part questions (WL pro .NET)
1. Is it possible to pass dataseries or informations between 2 or more strategies execuring during the Live feed?
2. Suppose I have created a dataset with stocks A,B,C and D, if I create another dataset with stocks B,C then:
a) Does WL create new symbols/data for B,C or does it just create a "link" to the dataset that already has those symnbols(one containing A,B,C and D)?
b) Is there a performance penalty for creating and using dataset as in (a) vs. using the original dataset that has symbols A,B,C and D (dataset (b) )?
1 - Yes, see
SetGlobal/GetGlobal in the QuickRef.
(Generally, you can use any mechanism provided by .NET e.g. serialize to/from disk file, SQL database, even
Clipboard etc.)
2a - just a link. There's a provider-level data store that holds the symbol files.
2b - no (see 2a).
Thanks Eugene,
As usual, quick and with the right answers!