PlotSeries only on some bars
Author: thodder
Creation Date: 11/15/2010 2:25 PM
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PlotStops() on the chart is only visible when stops are placed on trades. I'd like to do something similar with indicators -- draw only on some bars. Another charting application appears to use a drawing style of DRAWSTYLE_LINE_SKIPZEROS to only draw a line if the value is non-zero. Is something similar available with WLP?
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Not directly but there's workaround in the Wiki:

KB > Indicators | How to Plot a Discontinuous Indicator
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Thanks. That kind of works.

I am porting code from another system and the series was set to zero when the line was supposed to be transparent. This is plotted on the PricePane. Since there is zero in the DataSeries, the chart pane includes zero in the price range. I can use your technique to make the plotted line transparent, but I might have to use a value other than zero in the DataSeries object so that the price range does not have to always include zero in the pane.
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