In a different thread,
/Forum/Posts/MS123-PosSizer-library-a-collection-of-money-management-methods-30246I had made a request for a PosSizer to do the following:
1. Limit each entry to x% of equity.
2. Limit each day to y entries.
3. Limit each symbol to z entries. (In my case z=1, most often.)
With "Max Entries Per Day", I get 1 & 2, but not 3.
With "Positions Options", I get 1 & 3, but not 2.
Cone replied: "Max Entries Per Day give you #1 and #2. Your trading script can do #3. "
After considering this, I don't think this is the case.
As an example, if I have the same 6 possible entries on two consecutive days and I'm trading with a money management PosSizer that permits one entry per symbol at one time, with a maximum of 2 entries per day, I get the following:
On day one, I get trades on symbols A, B, C, D, E, F and take the trades on symbols A, B. If on day 2 I get entries on the same symbols, I won't take A or B. My trading script won't know this, but my PosSizer would.
As a reference, here is the code that I used as a SimuScript in WLP 4.5
Please log in to see this code.
Thanks in advance for help anyone can provide.