Hi Eugene,
Can you tell me what is the provider extension recommended for WealthSignals symbols ?
Thanks Eugene. I have tried to download the full symbols list available in WEALTHSIGNALS but without success.
Some stocks symbols are not available (ex. FOX) and any of the ETF.
Alexandre, you can obtain the WealthSignals list of symbols using Yahoo provider's Classification Groups feature - or by copying it from our website.
Cone should know better why basic W-D subscription doesn't cover some symbols and/or WS symbols aren't listed in Wealth-Data provider's Classification Groups.
All WealthSignals stocks, being a combination of the S&P 500 and Nasdaq 100 stocks are covered by Wealth-Data. FOX is indeed available. The ETFs as listed in the "List of Symbols" (link in the footer of this website) are also available.
Hi Cone,
If you have a look inside the log file attached, you will see that I can't download FOX and ETF symbols.
Maybe there is something wrong with my profile. Is it possible for you to check it ?
Thank you. That explains a lot, and it's explained in the
website FAQ: What Symbols are included?Basically, the symbols identified (excluding the ETFs) are part of the official S&P 100/500 and/or Nasdaq 100, but we've excluded those tracking stocks due to their inherent correlation with another stock in the same company so as to keep those lists to 100 symbols (and the S&P 500 to 500 symbols).
Example: Wealth-Data includes GOOGL and FOXA but not GOOG and FOX in the "Wealth-Data Nasdaq 100".
Nonetheless, we'll have to revisit this since it was decided to support the WealthSignals list, including the ETFs. It's not likely to be a quick solution. Sorry for trouble and thanks for the heads up.