Request for Simple and Flexible Liquidity Filter in Wizard
Author: swuzy
Creation Date: 9/24/2012 2:54 PM
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For use in the Wizard, in Conditions, Price (or Volume) Action, please add a Liquidity Filter(s) along the lines of ---

Price or Average Price => $X.XX and/or <= $X.XX
Volume or Average Volume => XX,XXX,XXX and/or <= XX,XXX,XXX

Thanks a lot.
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Price or Average Price => $X.XX and/or <= $X.XX

What's wrong with "Price is above/below value"?
Volume or Average Volume => XX,XXX,XXX and/or <= XX,XXX,XXX

What's wrong with General Indicators > "Indicator is above/below a Value"? (SMA of Volume)
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Either by themselves are not as flexible or dynamic as a combination of the two.

For example, for $10,000 I might wish to limit liquidity choices to stock have $10,000,000 of float and that might include a $1.00 with 10,000,000 shares of volume, or it might include a $100 stock with 100,000 of float. For A, I could buy 10,000 shares at $1, an for B, I might buy 100 at $100.

So under your constraints, if I filter for stocks > $10 and volume > 100,000, then I don't get exposure to buying the $1 with volume of > 10,000,000 of volume. Of vice versa I am also limited.

So a liquidity filter based on $ AND volume combined in one test, is best, most dynamically flexible, and all encompassing.

Thanks for consideration.


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So are you looking for the stock's turnover?
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Maybe, if that refers to the Dollar Value x Volume of turnover for the day or averaged daily.

Probably for example

Definition for stock market turnover:

Web definitions:

The total value of trades concluded in a particular security or the total market in the respective currency at a certain point in time...

But not the "turnover ratio."

And not the following definitions of Stock Turnover

share turnover
definition A way of measuring the liquidity of a company's stock, calculated by dividing the total number of shares traded by the average number of shares available during that period. The higher the shareturnover, the easier it is for investors to buy or sell shares of the stock.

Read more:

Definition of 'Share Turnover'
A measure of stock liquidity calculated by dividing the total number of shares traded over a period by the average number of shares outstanding for the period. The higher the share turnover, the more liquid the share of the company.

Read more:
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Thanks for the clarification. It would not be possible to figure this out from your initial request (9/24/2012 2:54 PM) anyway because you used an "AND" with multiplication in mind.

I'll probably add Turnover (Dollar Value x Volume) to Community Indicators, or create the Rule, or maybe will do the both.

Re: "share/stock turnover". The average number of shares available during a period (i.e. historical DataSeries) does not appear in most data feeds known to me. So it's hardly possible to create this type of DataSeries using available data.

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Makes sense to add "Turnover Above/Below a Value" as a quick rule, and add Turnover to C.Indicators to be able to construct more advanced conditions with the help of "General Indicators".
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Community Rules updated:


Make sure you're logged in to the Wiki!

Update to Community Indicators to follow later, ETA October/November 2012.
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Great. Thanks a lot Eugene.
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Turnover added to C.Indicators.

Library requires WLP/D 6.4 and .NET 4.0 framework.
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