Rule: External symbol rising/falling?
Author: kyokushin
Creation Date: 2/2/2014 4:45 PM
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In the conditions tab you can make a rule with an external symbol being or crossing above or below a value. Is there a way to make a rule with an external symbol rising or falling a certain percentage amount or a consecutive number of bars?
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We already have the latter condition available in Community Rules:

* External Symbol Price decreases a consecutive number of bars
* External Symbol Price increases a consecutive number of bars

As to external symbol rising/falling a certain percentage, it'd be good to have it too so I'll add it soon.
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The requested rules have been added to Community Rules:

* External Symbol Price is higher by X% than it was a number of bars ago
* External Symbol Price is lower by X% than it was a number of bars ago
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I installed Community Rules. When running a strategy now with an external symbol rule I always get this error message with each symbol of the data set I'm using:

Error processing symbol WDC Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.
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Errors | Strategy > "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" (at the very bottom)
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