Run all strategies
Author: dicknorth
Creation Date: 2/27/2013 8:29 AM
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Is there a way to run all the strategies (in all directories) against an individual
stock- without cut and paste from each directory. Had this capability in
version 4, but I don't see it in v6.
Thank you
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Yes, it's possible using the Strategy Ranking tool (under the Tools menu). You'll have to go from folder to folder to select Strategies, but the tool supports multiple selection.

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Thank you for the reply; yes, I was doing what you stated, but I gather that there is no way not to go to each folder individually to select strategies. Could that be added as a new feature. Sure would save a lot of time if one is looking for a strategy or two that does well in flat or fluctuating markets on certain type of stocks or ETFs.
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It takes only a minor effort to select all strategies in a folder with Ctrl-A or by pressing 'End' with Shift pressed, and then some.

It's positively not that I'm opposed to enhancements: I just intimately know how many months and years it may take to request a feature from Fidelity.
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With the design in WLP6, you'll noticed that as strategies are added it takes a little time for each one to show up in the Strategy Rankings tool. This is due to the process of opening, parsing, and compiling each strategy, one by one. It would make for a bad user experience to wait for hundreds of strategies to populate the tool in this manner, and I think Fidelity designed it for users to be more selective of strategies to add primarily for that reason.
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