Runtime error calling GetExternalSeries
Author: abate
Creation Date: 2/13/2011 5:10 AM
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I am trying to get external series from Index lab using GetExternalSeries and getting runtime error - following is the code I am using.

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I get runtime error - could not load data from symbol, eventhough the data exists.
When I copy and print the debug output to GetExternalSeries it works.
What I am doing wrong.

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What the debug output is?
Why are you adding extra quotes and converting to upper case?
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The industry name is lower case and the Index Lab name is upper case so I need to convert it to uppercase.
The debug output is %I_AIRLINES.
I added extra quotes becauase the GetExternalSeries argument is enclosed in quotes - GetExternalSeries("%I_AIRLINES",Close).

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OK, upper case is known to be somewhat more "robust".

But you should not add extra quotes.
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