Saving Preferred Values for a Compiled Strategy Library?
Author: mjj3
Creation Date: 3/26/2013 6:42 PM
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Is there a work around for saving preferred values for a compiled strategy (strategy library)?

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Unfortunately there is not. :(
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I was thinking about this and was wondering if you could make the methods that read/write the preferred values override-able then I could just read/write them to an xml file. The only reason I ask is that it is so nice being able to use source control for my strategies and keep them in sync between computers.
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I'm not seeing the connection between using source control and modifying the Wealth-Lab client. Can you clarify?
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Creating my strategies in Visual Studio allows me to use source control for all of my strategies. I can then keep code in sync between machines and other colleagues. The limitation in doing things this way is that you can't utilize the parameter modifier when optimizing and you can't save preferred values. I was just trying to figure a way around those issues. No big deal if it can't be done. I can work around it.
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