Saving Starting Capital with WealthScript Override (SetShareSize)
Author: Panache
Creation Date: 2/17/2011 2:24 PM
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When I save a strategy that uses WealthScript Override (Set Share Size), I can't get it to save the Starting Capital size. In my strategy, SetShareSize is set large enough that more than $100,000 of open positions can be created. Therefore, it appears that not all of the buys are treated as active positions by Wealth-Lab, with the result, that the strategy fails to generate all the necessary sell signals.

I can work around this by manually resetting the Starting Capital every day, but I'm assuming there is a better solution. Am I missing something?
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SetShareSize does not save starting capital, it just sets fixed share size. What do you mean?
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The following code provides an example of my problem:

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If you run this strategy against the DJI with $100,000 in Starting Capital, no trades will be shown, since all 30 buys are not included due to insufficient simulated capital and, therefore, no sell alerts will be generated. If you increase the Starting Capital to $100,000,000, all 30 buys will be included and all 30 sell alerts will be generated.

Let's say I really wanted to buy 10,000 shares at a time. I can use SetShareSize to generate my buy signals. However, unless I change the Starting Capital, the strategy will never generate the sell alerts.

Therefore, it would be nice if I could set an excessively high Starting Capital to make sure Wealth-Lab would never exclude any trades and save the Starting Capital with the strategy, so it would both generate the desired number of shares to buy AND generate the sell alerts.
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Since SetShareSize is a portfolio simulation (only) method, then it must adhere to real world rules. I really don't see a problem here because this is by design.

If you just want the Alerts, switch to Raw Profit mode > Fixed Shares.
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