Status updates during execution
Author: BlackPawn
Creation Date: 11/4/2010 6:55 AM
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During execution of a system there are just two different status messages. First the Gathering Data message and then the Executing Strategy message. This is fine for smaller systems of course, but when you run massive portfolio simulations that take hours to execute even on a heavy duty workstation, it would be nice to see some more details about where in the process you are. At the moment, I cant know if the execution is about to finish or if there another couple of hours to go.

Best would be if we could see messages such as Executing Strategy - XYZ (154/4521). Where XYZ is the instrument currently being processed and the numbers after showing the progress in terms of how many instruments have been executed and how many are left. This could of course also be done as a progress bar or similar.

I also notice that only a single execution core seem to be in use during the run. Do you have any plans of implementing true multi threading and using all available cores?

I should perhaps mention that I'm running WL6 64bit on Windows 7 x64.
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At the moment, I cant know if the execution is about to finish or if there another couple of hours to go.

It's already at your fingertips - use PrintDebug, PrintStatusBar, log to a disk file (database).
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So it is... Thanks, Eugene!
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