My Strategy Monitor doesn't appear to be running. Earlier to day it showed activity in the Action column and now it doesn't. To test I'm writing to a txt file and there is no output.
I upgraded to the newest WLP just now, but still have the problem.
I noticed it the last hour of the market. I'm on Central time.
This may be a coincidence, but I was having the same "ERROR(3): THE GIVEN KEY WAS NOT PRESENT IN THE DICTIONARY" problem as stated here I deleted the symbol files as recommended in that link, but the error kept going back. For instance, if I got the error on CAT, deleted the CAT file, then the error would start on the next previous symbol, like BAC. This was on one minute and ten minute bars.
I rebooted during this problem, but the Strategy Monitor stopped working after reboot, even on different datasets. Then I upgraded and nothing changed. Coincidence? Maybe. Last hour of trading issue with Eastern v Central? Maybe. Something else? Maybe.
I deleted StrategyMonitorConfiguration.xml and rebooted but that didn't change anything.
Thank you for any help.
1. What about "Run this strategy now"?
2. What does the log show?
Looking at this this morning after open, "Run this Strategy now" runs. But nothing else happens.
The log is attached. Next run time is set to 4:30 PM. Is this a setting somewhere that I change? Previously, this was automatically set to the next bar. No matter what intraday dataset I choose for the strategy, it always says the next run time is 4:30 PM.
Thank you.
As per the screenshot, you're running this strategy on Daily scale with SM's corresponding behavior. Perhaps it's done inadvertently. Please right-click on the strategy, then "Change settings" and choose an intraday scale.
Inadvertent is correct. I don't know how that happened.
Regarding the Error(3) issue, I think my data files got corrupted when I opened an IQFeed chart while SM was running. (The data bars stopped about that time and won't update). I deleted all of my 1 minute and 10 minute data and now that problem appears to have gone away.
All seems to be working now. I just need to remember WLP can't stream both IQFeed and Fidelity at the same time.
Many Thanks.
Glad to help you.