Strategy refuses to honor an If statement
Author: DouglasJMartin
Creation Date: 6/25/2014 2:12 AM
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For some reason I've got a script that refuses to honor the results of an "if" statement, and for the life of me I can't see how to resolve it.

The offending "if" and some related code is:

Please log in to see this code.

A small sample of the resultant debug window output is:

SWHC 6/12/2014 12:00:00 AM Par[bar]= 15.8432651848975, PriceAboveCloseToPSAR= True
rsi[491] = 70.1464575210931; EMArsi=66.2451061803635; maxRSI = 80

SWHC 6/13/2014 12:00:00 AM Par[bar]= 16.0156733627098, PriceAboveCloseToPSAR= True
rsi[492] = 62.0179432833513; EMArsi=65.8425192377909; maxRSI = 80

SWHC 6/16/2014 12:00:00 AM Par[bar]= 16.1673925591846, PriceAboveCloseToPSAR= True
rsi[493] = 62.7673580986479; EMArsi=65.5496467483487; maxRSI = 80

SWHC 6/17/2014 12:00:00 AM Par[bar]= 16.3009054520825, PriceAboveCloseToPSAR= True
rsi[494] = 62.2383690578109; EMArsi=65.2342869682975; maxRSI = 80

SWHC 6/18/2014 12:00:00 AM Par[bar]= 16.4183967978326, PriceAboveCloseToPSAR= True
rsi[495] = 65.0899790485878; EMArsi=65.2205433568966; maxRSI = 80

SWHC 6/19/2014 12:00:00 AM Par[bar]= 16.5217891820927, PriceAboveCloseToPSAR= True
rsi[496] = 67.5800558711147; EMArsi=65.4452588344411; maxRSI = 80

SWHC 6/20/2014 12:00:00 AM Par[bar]= 17.28, PriceAboveCloseToPSAR= False
rsi[497] = 40.4975493209254; EMArsi=63.0692864998206; maxRSI = 80

Technically, none of this debug output should exist, as the if should not have yielded a "True". Any ideas?
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Take a careful look at the end of the line:

Please log in to see this code.

Do you notice the ending ";" character that should not be there? Your PrintDebug block will be processed on each bar because of that typo.
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Thanks. Embarrasing. I found it an hour after posting, but then could find the ticket to post an apology.
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