Switching Tabs Simultaneously in Multiple Strategy Windows
Author: sdbens20
Creation Date: 8/19/2012 6:48 AM
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Is it possible to switch tabs in multiple strategy windows simultaneously? For example, I have a workspace open that displays 10 strategy windows. All windows have the "Chart" tab active. Is there a way to change all 10 windows with one click to the "Alerts" tab? If not, would you please consider providing this feature?

Thank you.

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Sorry, it's not possible.
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A couple options:

1. Cconsider using the Strategy Monitor to organize Alerts in just one window while just monitoring the strategy windows. (Note: in WLP 6.4, the responsiveness of the S. Monitor intraday updates will be greatly improved.)

2. Stage (or Place) the Alerts. In essence, it's similar to #1, but all the Alerts will go to the Order Manager. If just Staging, however, you'll have to be vigilant to continually clear the old Alerts.
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