Fidelity Wealth Lab has a by Symbol view to view results of backtests. Is this available in WealthLabDeveloper?
With Fidelity-specific components such as Fidelity data providers and trading with Fidelity being the exception, WLD is the same as WLP. You can continue to enjoy using all the same features and tools that Wealth-Lab has to offer. "By Symbol" view is included, of course.
Thank you it is the same.
The By Symbol view is an option when a multi-symbol dataset is backtested from the strategymonitor panel (once a specific alert and subsequent strategy window is opened).
If you happen to just open a strategy from the main file menu and then backtest the same dataset the by symbol view is not available.
So its the same but perhaps a worthwhile update.
Thanks again
I'm sure it has always been working correctly. Looks like the visualizer disabled in your saved Workspace but enabled in Preferences (or vice versa) is what plays tricks on you.