Time of day based trade
Author: jandrewnil
Creation Date: 12/28/2009 8:51 AM
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Would someone either direct me to a trading strategy that trade at specific time periods during the day, say at 9 am and 2;30 pm CDT. Or show me how to code if possible. Your assistance is appreicated.
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Welcome to the Wealth-Lab 5 Wiki FAQ.

See these questions...

The condition list for Date/Time only includes conditions for dates. How do I include a "time of the day" rule?
How do I code a rule for time of the day?

...answered here: FAQ | Strategies and WealthScript
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Thanks for the reference.
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What is the constraint that prevents incorporating time-based entries and orders? I've been searching the forums and discussions and was lucky to finally find this. But is there some inherent difficulty with including time based rules for entry? I'm trying to evaluate a popular website's methodology, which is time of day dependent. The rest of the strategy is fairly trivial, but without being able to limit the evaluation to the relevant time periods, I can't properly discern success from random chance. (I will struggle up the coding learning curve IFF the problem is my ignorance and not an inherent difficulty in using time in these wl strategies.) THANKS, R
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If you can code up the rest of the Strategy, then adding time-based entries to it is very easy and requires almost no programming: more like cut/paste and minimal editing. Build the basis in Rules, "open the code in a new window", and follow the Wiki FAQ above. Should you stumble on some step, copy/paste the code snippet here.
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