Trades do not make sense after adding dollar hedge
Author: cravens
Creation Date: 9/4/2012 4:18 PM
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Hi. I have a simple snippet code that simply shorts NLY when the 5 SMA is below the 15 SMA. I tried to add a feature that also buys an equal dollar amount of SPY as a hedge when the NLY trades are made. The orders no longer make any sense after adding the modifications. Can anyone see where i went wrong? The moving averages are intended to operate on NLY not SPY. This code is intended to operate on daily close data.

Thanks in advance for any advice.


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The moving averages are intended to operate on NLY not SPY.

The moving averages will operate on the clicked symbol, whatever it was - NLY, SPY or GOOG. If you intended to hardcode the DataSeries to operate on NLY, make sure you wrap the code in a SetContext/RestoreContext block.
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I use the code on a symbol as I always have (i.e., the clicked symbol)

My problem is that i never get consistent trades as I did before adding the SPY short. Did I add the second symbol correctly?

I will add the SetContext/RestoreContext block.
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What does it mean "consistent", what did it mean "no longer make any sense"? Be precise. What you showed above is a slightly modified code of the "Pairs Trading" strategy. How are executing the Strategy (all settings, backtest mode) and how does that inconsistency can be reproduced exactly?
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It ended up being a simple setup problem with the portfolio capital.
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