Hi there
I am Brazilian and live in Brazil. I´d like to use the Wealth Lab software to backtest brazilian stocks (for exemple: ABEV3, PETR4, VALE3, ITUB4, etc.)
But I have some questions (sorry for my bad understanding of English)
1- To use the software, I have to open an account and I don´t know where (I tried to open an account on Fidelity and it requires social security number - whcih doesn´t exist in Brasil. Here we use a document called CPF)
2- I also would like to know how much would be that monthly fee
3- And finally, I´d like to know if I can use the software with Brazilian stocks and how to import it (I´m trying to import with my trial version but it´s not working
Thank you very much
Bom dia Eduardo,
Glad you're interested in Wealth-Lab!
1. You don't have to open an account with
any broker to use Wealth-Lab Developer.
I know it may be confusing but Fidelity offers Wealth-Lab
Pro to U.S. residents which doesn't apply to the rest of the world. For more detail please see the FAQ:
What's the difference between Wealth-Lab Developer and Wealth-Lab Pro?2 - The
annual fee to keep the software working is 150 USD (on a yearly basis starting from 2nd year after purchase). There's no monthly fee.
3 - You can easily download the Daily historical data of Brasil stocks (the Bovespa index constituents, for example) using the built-in Yahoo! data provider. Choose New DataSet Wizard (Ctrl-Shift-D), Yahoo! Finance, authenticate your trial (or key - for customers), click "Select symbols from Classification Groups", then choose "World indices" > "Brazil" > "Brazil Bovespa". Then do an "Update DataSet" in the Data Manager tool to backfill.
If you have followup questions please don't hesitate to ask us.
P.S. Note that "not working" doesn't work on our forum. ;-) The optimal way to get troubleshooting started is to provide a detailed report which includes what data is being imported, data provider, settings used etc., expectation and outcome (error message, screenshot...) Help us help you.
I did that but here dont find that option "Select symbols from Classification Groups", just "ASCII" "METASTOCK""WEALTH...)(YAHOO) ,
just realyze that i had to login and authenticate in Wealth before, but time end up and erro show up,
Sorry that this wasn't obvious in my post #2 above. Updated the text. Yes, you have to select Yahoo, authenticate your free trial, and then choose said option. Note that stocks not included in Bovespa index may also be added to a DataSet manually, by typing it in, if symbol is supported by Yahoo.
If you experience an error, look it up in the Knowledge Base at the
Wiki > Errors when working with Wealth-Lab.
What are popular data provider in Brazil?
Hello, you can download the Ibovespa database on the website quotebr.com (annual payment), on Youtube you search for the video "3 coisas que um trader precisa saber" by Stormer, he uses Weath-lab a lot and teaches how to use it it.
I Hope this help you
Oi tudo bem? Você conseguiu?? Se sim, poderia me explicar por favor?
Create a Bovespa DataSet
1. File > New > New DataSet (or just Ctrl+Alt+D)
2. Click Yahoo! Finance
3. Next, Authenticate (if required)
4. Select Symbols from predefined Classification groups, Next
5. World Indexes > Brazil > Bovespa (Select and click the ">" to add it to selected groups
6. Next, Finished.
7. Update the data
For details on updating data, see this getting started video:
https://youtu.be/oB6tqLtlcMQ?t=59 Important!For fast backtesting using Yahoo! data, make sure that
File > Update data On Demand is OFF (disabled) and use the Data Manager to update your data.
Hi Everyone,
I follow these steps and I got it. But not appear for me Bovespa Index Futures.
How I can pull this data?
This site has the data to Brazilian Traders.
Yahoo is not a silver bullet. If Bovespa Futures doesn't come up in your website lookup then it doesn't exist at Yahoo Finance. However, you can get it as ASCII from other places free of charge (unlike quotebr.com which is paid service). For example, sign up at Investing.com, choose a data range and click "Download Data":
https://www.investing.com/indices/ibovespa-futures-historical-dataNote that you have to break it up as the site won't let you download the whole data in one request. Then you should be able to concatenate the files in Excel or Notepad++ (make sure to weed out any duplicate headers) and import the resulting CSV file using ASCII provider.
Is it possible to use intraday data on wealth lab so that I can use Renko analisys? Does anyone knows if there is any supplier of intraday data for Bovespa Index?
Tanks a lot.