VisualBasic MsgBox
Author: Panache
Creation Date: 3/20/2010 6:56 PM
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I'd like to include a Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.MsgBox in my script. I have the reference box for Microsoft VisualBasic checked.

There's obviously something I don't know about how to do this in Wealth-Lab Pro v 5.6, because everything I try results in a compilation error.

Can anyone show me how to code something like the following example from MSDN in Wealth-Lab Pro?

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Don't program what you can beg, borrow or steal! :)

Community.Components > Input.
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I want to add a simple "OK/CANCEL" message box. Unfortunately, both Input and Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.InputBox are rather inartful ways of doing this, since they suggest to the user that something needs to be input.

I found an example showing how to display the Message Box.

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However, I still can't figure out how to use the result.

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generates an implicit conversion error, saying an explicit conversion exists. How do I do the explicit conversion?

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generates an implicit conversion error, saying an explicit conversion exists. How do I do the explicit conversion?

You forgot to cast the value (btw, it is explicitly suggested to you by the compiler):
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For those who may be interested in this thread in the future, here is an even simpler way to do this:

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