Hi Eugene,
I somehow decided to include my own personalized custom performance metric in both the Performance+ tab as well as on the MS123 scorecard.
1. I clicked this link and downloaded the attachment on the top-right corner of the page
http://www2.wealth-lab.com/WL5WIKI/CommunityVisualizersMain.ashx(Q1: Is this the right place to start for developing custom metrics, anyway?)
2. Then, I downloaded the zip file, extracted it to an arbitrary folder, did my best to understand the architecture of the code, and somehow, managed to embed my performance metric into the "PerformanceEngine" object defined in "PerformanceEngine.cs" file.
(Q2: Am I on the right direction?)
3. Compiled the solution.
4. Relaunched the wealthlab.
5. Wealthlab offered me to update my Visualizer (which I skipped)
6. Ran an arbitrary strategy.
7. Clicked and confirmed that my custom metric is there, and the resulting value is correct. Good.
8. Then, I wanted more, and wanted this metric to be presented on the MS123 scorecard as well.
9. This time, I made (really simplistic) modifications on "MS123ScoreCard.cs" now,
10. Compiled with no errors.
11. Relaunched WL
12. Wealthlab offered me to update my Visualizer (which I skipped)
13. Clicked an arbitrary strategy.
14. Clicked and confirmed that the Performance+ tab shows correctly my custom metric.
15. And then, I launched the optimization tab.
16. Clicked "begin" button (with the output option being the MS123 scorecard.)
17. and... oh no... WL crashed.
Q3: first of all, is it possible to download as open source the latest version of WLVisualizers instead of the earlier version? Currently, 2012.05 version is offered on the wiki page I mentioned above at step 1)
Q4: If your answer to Q3 is yes, then, will I get the same warning again (i.e. "update your visualizer") every time I relaunch WL (after I customize the codes myself?)
18. Anyway, I relaunched WL.
19. This time, I accepted the offer of WL and updated my Visualizer123 version (up to 2014.09)
20. Yes, the optimization worked as expected and did not crash (good),
21. but whatever I customized within the Visualizer has gone (as expected as I updated and overwritten the old version with the new version)
Q5: So, i think, If I start the modification NOT from the 2012.05 version (as offered from that link) but from the latest 2014.09 version of the Visualizer, I believe my (really simplistic) modifications to the MS123 ScoreCard.cs will not result in any crashes. So, is it possible to guide me to the place (on the forum, or on the web, or on the wiki) that I can download the latest version of the Visualiser code?