Watchlist Transfer from Fidelity Doesn't Import Mutual Funds
Author: giorgos
Creation Date: 10/2/2014 6:22 PM
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When I set up a new data set importing my account from Fidelity the Mutual Funds symbols don't transfer
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I didn have any trouble importing a WatchList of [only] Mutual Funds. Are there a mix of symbol classes in your WatchList?

Also, there's a symbol limit for these imports, I think 50 symbols max?
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I have 45 symbols made up of stocks, etfs and mutual funds. The only mutual fund that transfers is YAFFX and all the stocks and etfs. Funds like FAGIX FCVSX FDYSX FGLEX FLPSX ect do not transfer
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Ok, noted. We'll see if a fix for that can be made in a future release.
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