Whether the data of futures symbols are available with Yahoo! data?
Author: lookingbackon
Creation Date: 3/27/2011 10:39 AM
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My understanding is that the data of futures symbols can be downloaded via Yahoo! as described in the "Creat new dataset" windows. Is it correct?
Cause I failed to find the futures set/symbols in the classification list.
It's a charge service from Yahoo! or any other problem behind this?
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Unfortunately, your understanding is incorrect. I strongly recommend checking the Wealth-Lab Wiki FAQ:

Is it possible to get the futures data from Yahoo?

There are other futures data providers available e.g. TradingBlox, PiTrading, and (hopefully this week) IQFeed.
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The description of the Yahoo Provider says:
ahoo! Finance provides end-of-day data for U.S. and world equities, mutual funds, indices and futures.

However I cannot load i.e. FDAX.EX.
Are futures possible or not?
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No, and never has been possible w/ Yahoo. This is a typo.

OTOH, the list of futures-enabled providers above can be expanded with QuoteMedia and IQFeed (64-bit version to be released soon).
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