Yahoo Classification for S&P 500 - component (AON) can't be found
Author: Gamba
Creation Date: 2/20/2012 5:19 AM
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I've created a new stock list of S&P 500 with Yahoo as data provider.
Inside the list I cannot find AON as symbol but AON is listed in S&P 500.

Is it an old index list? When will the list be updated?

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To save time in the future, let me introduce you to our Open Issues list:

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While I can't tell when it will be updated (I'm not in charge), it's a known issue.
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Ok, thank you for the hint. But what is the recommended workaround?
Do I have to update the index lists myself?

So, at the moment I have to check all lists manually?

Currently I'm using the trial version. What is the status of
the supported commercial version? Are there any providers where
I can be sure to get the correct data?
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You can modify the created DataSet, replacing the symbol(s) which left the index with AON. For a how-to refer to the User Guide.

For now, you have to keep the index lists up to date manually.
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Experience shows that Y! does a bad job at keeping those lists up-to-date. For S&P index list constituents, go to, create a free login, and then you can get all the latest data.
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Ok, thank you. Manually editing the lists is working fine for me.

But if Y! are not up-to-date is it still recommended as EOD provider or should I use MSN or something else instead?
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Y! is recommended as a EOD provider choice.
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